Leah’s Story: “Look at me, I’m fine!”
10 Apr, 2020
Leah came to Your Options Medical to find out how far along she was in her pregnancy. She also wanted to talk about her options. She was feeling a mixture of emotions and was uncertain of what to do. She did not want to be pregnant. She had been feeling...
Pregnancy is Not for April Fools
01 Apr, 2020
Today is Aprils Fools Day. It’s a day when people like to play harmless, practical jokes on each other for that perfect “Gottcha!” moment. Jokes can be fun, like putting a fake spider on someone’s desk or leaving the sink handle on so someone gets a little sprinkle. Recently, there...
What is Abortion Pill Reversal?
09 Mar, 2020
You may have heard of a procedure called “abortion pill reversal” and wondered what this means, how does it work, and if it’s even effective. In this blog post, we will strive to answer some of these common questions. What does this mean? The abortion pill reversal is a procedure...
If They’re Human, They Have Rights
27 Jan, 2020
What constitutes a living, human being? Science is clear- human life begins at conception. “At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism,” writes the American College of Pediatricians in a statement. “The difference between the individual in its adult stage and...
Did You Know?
20 Jan, 2020
Many people who know abortion to be wrong do not know how abortions are performed. When I share with people the methods that are used to end the lives of the unborn, they are astonished. My reason in sharing is not to guilt those who have had a hand in...
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday
13 Jan, 2020
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday; established in January of 1984 by late U.S. president Ronald Reagan. It is the Sunday closest to the anniversary of the passing of the court case Roe v. Wade which legalized abortion in America. This is one day a year meant for us to take...
The Sanctity of Human Life
06 Jan, 2020
At Your Options Medical, we believe that all human beings are created equal by God in His image, thus solidifying the sanctity of human life. This means that every human being, from conception to natural death, has undeniable worth and importance. Regardless of whether he is a premature baby, has...
18 Nov, 2019
Thank you. To all of our supporters, to those who host Baby Bottle Fundraising Campaigns and Diaper Drives, who pray fervently for this ministry, give sacrificially and generously of their finances, support the workers with words of encouragement, give of their time to volunteer, and go out of their way...
Adoption Plans: Open Adoption vs. Closed Adoption
11 Nov, 2019
At Your Options Medical, our job is to educate each patient on the truth about each of their three legal pregnancy options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. Many of our patients are hesitant to discuss adoption as there seems to be some negative connotations surrounding adoption. Today, we will discuss some...
“I had nothing, but they gave me hope!”
04 Nov, 2019
I Had Nothing, But They Gave Me Hope. My name is Ellen. I am 20 years old and originally from Thailand. I came to the United States to study. During my time here, I met a man who seemed to be very nice. We dated for a few months, but...