Back to School and Abortion
08 Aug, 2023

What About Abortion?
It’s that time of year again: back to school. Whether you are a parent of a high school student or preparing to send your child off for their first year of college, there is much preparation. If you are a youth pastor gearing up for back to school kick-offs, you are likely striving to ensure your programs include discipleship, apologetics and more. Between running to the store for dormitory supplies and planning youth / young adults events that will help connect students to the church, have you considered preparing your students for how abortion may impact them and their friends as they head off for another semester? In this blog, we will touch on three main areas to consider talking about with students 1). The truth about abortion 2). How to help a friend who may be considering abortion 3). What to do if you find yourself in a “crisis” pregnancy.
1). The Truth About Abortion
Many young people today have a stance on abortion, but oftentimes on both sides of the aisles, students do not know what an abortion is. Those against AND those defending abortion procedures, should know exactly what it entails. It is important to note there are two different types of abortion 1. The Abortion Pill (chemical abortion) and 2. Surgical Abortion. To learn more about these different procedures, check out our blog.
It is also crucial to know about the Abortion Pill Reversal (APR). You do not have to know all the facts about APR, but knowing that it is possible for a woman to change her mind after taking the first pill in the abortion pill process could save her child’s life! Check out our ARP blog to learn about this safe medical procedure that has saved hundreds of preborn babies’ lives.
It is also helpful to teach students some of the basics of fetal development to help them defend life. Did you know that a preborn baby’s heartbeat is detectable through ultrasound 21 days after conception? At 12 weeks old most of the preborn baby’s organs are formed. By 18 weeks, a preborn baby can hear sounds coming from outside the womb.
2). How to Help a Friend Who May be Considering Abortion
Abortion has wiped out 1/3 of the millennial generation, chances are Gen Z is missing thousands who were lost to abortion. Whether we know it or not, we have all been affected by abortion. Additionally, according to a new study done, college students are beginning to consider the availability of abortion access when looking at prospective or even their current college/university.
Though we do not expect every student to be fully equipped to counsel women and couples facing an unexpected pregnancy, empowering them with a few basic tools could help save a baby’s life and spare another mother the pain of abortion.
Listen. If a student’s friend shares she is pregnant and considering abortion it is important for her to know she has someone who is willing to sit and listen to her fears and concerns. Do not judge her, make sure she knows she is seen, heard, and loved. Give her truth and you give her hope. It is CRUCIAL for her to get an ultrasound and talk with someone who is not financially invested in her decision. Be sure to tell your students about centers like Your Options Medical where they could go with their friends to find FREE help including Telehealth Appointments with a nurse, pregnancy testing, ultrasound, and options counseling.
3). What to do if you find yourself in a “crisis” pregnancy.
There is a balance between ensuring your student knows they can come to you with any concern or mistake. It is also vitally important to set high standards for them to strive towards. Work on communicating unconditional love to your students. Help them to know what you expect of them concerning sex and marriage, but make sure they know that if they make an unwise decision (or they are abused) and become pregnant, you will still love them and will help them no matter what. Approximately 70% of women who have abortions are self-proclaimed Christians. Unfortunately, when these women become pregnant they try to hide their shame by running to the abortion clinic. Let’s ensure our youth know that if they ever come into the situation by choice or by force, that the church is the BEST place for them to run to knowing they won’t be condemned and judged, but that they will be loved to life.
If you would like to learn more about the services provided by Your Options Medical or would like to receive free materials to keep on hand if needed, do not hesitate to reach out to us today!