The Sanctity of Human Life
06 Jan, 2020
At Your Options Medical, we believe that all human beings are created equal by God in His image, thus solidifying the sanctity of human life. This means that every human being, from conception to natural death, has undeniable worth and importance. Regardless of whether he is a premature baby, has a disability or is someone with special needs — that child has indisputable worth that no other person can take away. Having established the history behind the Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and asserted that this issue regards both women and men alike, it is essential to acknowledge another major issue regarding human life and abortion.
A myriad of pro-choice individuals have their minds set on the belief that if a baby is still in the womb, he is not considered life. It seems to me that these are the people who simply do not understand the beauty and miracle of life in the first place. Human beings are not machines. We are not inanimate objects that come into existence part by part, stage by stage. Human beings are different; we come into existence at the moment of conception. That is the beauty of life — any decent science or medical textbook will tell you this. Since life commences at conception, it does not matter what “stage” a baby is aborted — it is always taking the life of an innocent human being. Life is sacred and bears immense significance and worth no matter the stage.
I also think it is interesting to look at the changes in dialogue that have occurred regarding human life. Years ago, people who were pro-choice claimed that an unborn baby was not considered life if he was in the very beginning stages of the pregnancy. Today, many have come as far as to say that if a baby has not been born yet, he is not considered life at all. How is this even remotely possible or even logical, if ultrasounds can show a baby’s heartbeat at just six weeks? Nowadays, too many times have I heard the argument stating that an unborn baby — even on his or her due date — is not yet outside of the womb and therefore, has no constitutional rights. I would like to point out that back when slavery was prevalent in the United States, slave-owners had a very similar mindset. Some often acknowledged that Africans were people; however, they went on to say that the slave-owners had the right to choose how they wanted to treat that person, because they saw the African man as innately inferior to the white man, as someone who had no constitutional rights. And no, I am not comparing women who consider having an abortion to slave-owners; I am merely pointing out the jarring similarities in mindsets regarding life. History tends to repeat itself, but it does not have to. We can be different and thus, make a difference.
Another major issue with the statement that an unborn child has no constitutional rights is that it acknowledges that the unborn baby is indeed a human life, but denies the sanctity of said life. In other words, people who take this approach are basically saying, ‘Yes, we know the unborn child is a life, but we’re still going to kill the baby anyway.’ How can this not seem so inherently wrong, immoral and unethical? This kind of mindset is accompanied by an action that cannot be validated under any circumstances. Evidently, it is society that has grown increasingly more mercurial and fickle as the days go by. But despite the ever-changing, unreliable behaviors and arguments presented by society and pro-choice individuals, one thing has not changed and that is the fact that we are all created equal by God in His image, which reinforces the sanctity of human life from the moment of conception. It is something that nothing in this world can shake or sunder from an innocent unborn child. Matthew 10:29 tells us that not even a single sparrow can fall to the ground without our Father knowing it. How much more precious and valuable His children must be in His eyes. May we all not only acknowledge the undeniable life of an unborn child, but also the inherent worth, significance and importance of his or her personhood.