Can I Help if I Had an Abortion?

07 Oct, 2019


Some women who have experienced an abortion are later compelled to combat abortion. They have experienced firsthand the reality of the heartbreak and pain that abortion causes women. They may want to help spread the truth about abortion in order to save other women the life-long pain they previously experienced.

At the same time, some women wonder if they could even help out at a pregnancy center because they had an abortion. They may feel they have no right to counsel a woman facing an unexpected pregnancy when they themselves choose abortion. Thankfully, this is not the case.

You can help

If you have experienced an abortion in your past or maybe even have had multiple abortions that you have healed from, you can help! In fact, at Your Options we have found that some women who have had an abortion make the best advocates for patients.

Not all women who have had an abortion can talk with women considering this option. It may be too emotional or personal for some. However, for those who can be an advocate for a young woman in crisis, they seem to have an even deeper empathy for our patients. Likely this is because they understand exactly what these women are feeling and facing. They themselves have walked the same road of fear, uncertain future, deep shame, and possibly more.

What’s Required

Not everyone who has had an abortion can be an advocate. However, there is a role for each to help. It is important to note that any woman who is volunteering at Your Options that has had an abortion is required to walk through the post-abortion support group. This is a requirement for multiple reasons, but one key reason is that we have seen how vital it is for women to ensure they have fully received healing and forgiveness from Christ for this past, deeply rooted sin.

If you are interested in volunteering, the first step is to fill out the volunteer application. If you are simply seeking healing for a past abortion, contact us today. There is hope and healing after abortion.