Books & Articles
- Can You Explain Why You’re Pro-Life in a 30-Second Sound Bite? by Josh Brahm of Equal Rights Institute
- 5 Fears that Keep Pastors from Preaching About Abortion by Mark Campbell of CareNet
- Women Go Silently From Church to Abortion Clinic by Lisa Cannon Green of Focus on the Family
- What to Say When: ProLife Apologetics by Shawn Carney & Steve Karlen of 40 Days for Life
- Healing the Guilt and Pain of Abortion by Pat Layton
- Uplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader by Abby Johnson
- Fighting for Life: Becoming a Force for Change in a Wounded World by Lila Rose
- Forgiven and Set Free: A Bible Study for Women Seeking Healing After Abortion by Linda Cochrane
- Healing a Father’s Heart: A Post-Abortion Bible Study for Men by Linda Cochrane & Kathy Jones