What’s New at YOM
Boston National Men’s March – Boston, MA
On November 16th, men from all over the commonwealth came together to stand for life! Watch the opening message here.
Celebration of Life Day at the State House – Boston, MA
The Truth About Pregnancy Resource Centers Webinar
Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade in 2022, abortion rights advocates have targeted pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) across the country and here in Massachusetts. Our governor, attorney general and, most recently, the Department of Public Health have disseminated misinformation, provoking outrage, vandalism, and even threats of violence against these centers. Politicians claim pregnancy resource centers deceive women, the media report those inaccurate claims, and abortionists advance false narratives. The result: misinformed citizens who do not know how pregnancy resource centers help women in need.
It is time to set the record straight.
Join us for a special installment of MCFL’s Virtual Speaker Series featuring representatives from the Pregnancy Care Alliance of Massachusetts (PCAll). You’ll learn truths about various aspects of PRCs and gain understanding about how each one offers hope, help and healing to women and men in difficult circumstances. Engage in a dynamic Q&A session at the conclusion of the presentations.
Boston, MA, September 27, 2023 – The Pregnancy Care Alliance of Massachusetts (PCAll) announces its first billboard, part of a long-term, state-wide public awareness campaign intended to highlight ways that pregnancy resource centers (PRCs) support women in crisis pregnancies. PCAll’s digital billboard, funded by a Boston-based foundation, will reach approximately 344,000 viewers during its four-week run along I-93 at Wood Road in Braintree.
Two designs alternate during the digital rotation and feature Lindsay, a local mother and her 8-year-old daughter, Aubree, smiling into one another’s eyes. Lindsay’s own words comprise the text. One quote reads, “No judgment, just love and support.” The other states, “My daughter is such a blessing!” PCAll’s creative campaign tagline, #ThereForMe, is placed prominently beneath the duo’s photo, underscoring the mission of each PRC: to be present for and offer safe and compassionate care to women in need.
After surveying the services that are available on Cape Cod for women facing unplanned pregnancies, members of the Cape Cod Pro-Life Alliance found there is an unmet need for life-affirming counseling, accurate information, pregnancy support services, spiritual guidance, and an outpouring of love to empower women to choose life instead of abortion. The need for such services has become acute given the State of Massachusetts doubling down on its pro-abortion agenda.
After several months of conversations and more importantly prayer, CCPLA Alliance and Your Options Medical have chosen to partner together to establish a new life-affirming pregnancy resource center in the mid-Cape area. With a solid base of several churches already supporting Your Options Medical, our goal is to engage additional churches and individual donors to join us in ensuring long-term success.
Initially, we will provide free pregnancy testing and life-affirming options counseling through our mobile medical clinic. By launching the mobile clinic, we will be taking an innovative and strategic approach to reach women and couples in need, wherever they are. In an area as large and diverse as Cape Cod, the mobile clinic will enable us to go into different communities and help us determine the area of greatest need for a fixed location.
Thank you to all our donors who have continued to faithfully and generously support us through this season of transition. God brought an opportunity to move YOM back to Southbridge through a partnership with the Bridge of Faith Youth Center (BoF). This center came about as the result of a vision laid upon the heart of a local pastor in Southbridge who felt God urging him to build a faith-based youth center. As a long time supporter of Your Options Medical, his vision included a space for the ministry to offer life-affirming services and support to the families within Southbridge and other local towns.
Fundraising efforts have begun to complete phase one that will include space for Your Options Medical. If you would like to support this effort, please visit the website to give today.
The projected date for completion of the updates to the building is estimated for early 2024. We will continue to send updates and keep you all posted as we have more information. Again, we appreciate your faithful support for this ministry as we continue to serve our community.
Other Ways To Support Us

Your Options Medial is excited to announce that we have partnered with EveryLife Diaper company. This pro-life diaper company began when the founder realized every major diaper company in America financially supports major abortion businesses. These diapers not only support life, they are made with clean ingredients to be non-toxic so you can trust them with your babies skin. If you want to purchase these diapers for yourself or even a pack to donate to YOM, visit the website below and use the code: YOUROPTIONS10 for 10% off your order.

We are thrilled to announce our newest partnership with Seven Weeks Coffee, a pro-life coffee company that donates 15% of every sale to pregnancy care centers across the country, now including ours!
Seven Weeks Coffee was founded less than a year ago, and to date, they’ve been able to donate thousands of dollars to pregnancy care centers across the country. Now, we are a part of their partnership program, and you can support Your Options Medical by simply ordering a bag of coffee through the link below.
With something as simple as drinking your daily cup of coffee, you now have the opportunity to support our efforts of serving women in need and protecting the life of their pre-born babies.
When you purchase a bag of coffee through this link, 15% will be donated to our center!
Join us today and make your first purchase. Follow the link here to order their delicious, Specialty Coffee. By doing so you will have a tangible impact on protecting life at Your Options Medical.
Use code “Seven” for 10% off your first purchase!
Choose Life License Plates Campaign

When you get a Choose Life Massachusetts, a portion of the funds from vehicle registrations are sent to Choose Life Massachusetts and disbursed as grants to life-affirming pregnancy centers, like Your Options Medical, in Massachusetts. Please visit their website to learn how to purchase your plate!